
Fixing Jekyll Issues and Testing More Stuff

Right when I published that first post a bit before midnight, I noticed the time said it was posted 4 hours before at 7 PM instead, but my timezone is set correctly in settings so I’m not sure what the issue is but I could either find a way to fix it in the jekyll config file or just put something like “-0400” in the date section of all the front matter for my posts in the future. I’ve fixed both these posts to show the correct time they were created.

I’ll show an example of what front matter looks like below by copying the front matter for this post (I’m also testing the code block feature this theme comes with):

title: "Fixing Jekyll Issues and Testing More Stuff"
date: 2022-06-06 00:21:00
categories: [server,jekyll]
tags: [server, jekyll, software]

Hopefully that shows up well enough, but the cumbersome part of using Jekyll for my site is that I have to make a header for every single post following this format and manually typing the title and date for each post. My goal is to have some kind of script that I can run that will prompt me for the title then create a markdown file with these contents inside ready for me to edit:

title: "Whatever I typed when the script asked for the title
date: this should autofill the current date but be formatted how it is in the above codeblock
categories: [] this should only have the open and closed brackets so I can type a category or nested category later
tags: [] this should also only have the brackets

The script should also name the file correctly. This file is called and I just looked at Chirpy’s documentation and found out how to use the inline code feature which I can use to highlight things that aren’t just text, like filenames, in orange. I also found out this theme requires me to put the variable date part of the timezone in the front matter for every post instead of just setting the timezone once in the configuration. I’ll need to just add this to the script I make and I’ll post it on my site and include a link to the future post here if someone somehow finds this site and is doing exactly what I’m doing and finds themselves in need of a script to get things done.

For my first post, I created a server category to put that post in and this post I’m creating a nested category inside of ‘server’ called ‘jekyll’ just in case I write more posts about Jekyll in the future so I can separate them from broader server topics. I also changed some tags around to experiment with those but they won’t really make a difference until I have a lot of posts and eventually want to rearrange all the tags for every post.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.